Pink has never had a problem taking on her haters. So it should come as no surprise that the Grammy winner had no problem standing up to an internet “troll” on Wednesday who told her she looked “so old that should be named Purple instead.”
“You must be from L.A.,” the mother of two wrote on Twitter. “Well, there are a few people left in the world that choose to age naturally. And I’ve earned every f—— minute of my 38 years. How you lookin’ though? ‘Cause I never heard of ya ’til you put my name in your mouth. I shall call you little purple troll.”
She did an article with PEOPLE last fall and discussed speaking her mind:
“Constructive criticism is one thing, and I take that all day long,” she said. “But there needs to be some accountability to all this anonymous keyboard warrioring. Certain things push my button. You would never say that to my face. Please, come do it. Let’s talk about it, let’s see who you are.”
She takes on her haters and responds to internet trolls “to provide some accountability for people,” she said. “Because that sends a message out there to people that are anonymous and hateful that their rug’s going to get pulled sometimes and publicly. And their account’s going to get shut down because they’re not going to be able to handle it because they’re not as big and bad as they pretend to be.”
One more reason to love P!nk