Does it get any better? The holidays are just around the corner, which means it's the perfect time to raise a glass of your favorite domestic brew or pop some bottles in anticipation for the merriest time of the year — or both, if you're all about living the high life. Miller Brewing Company, aka the scientists behind the "champagne of beers," is bringing back a festive 750 milliliter bottle modeled after your favorite bubbly in keeping with the spirit of the holidays, and customers can score these Miller High Life Beer Champagne Bottles for only $3.49. TBH, it's the fanciest and most festive way to enjoy your favorite domestic brew, so cheers to your best holiday parties yet.

While Miller Brewing Company is offering their champagne bottle beers in the spirit of the holidays, I'd start stocking up now if you want to have any to pop open come your New Year's Eve festivities. While there's no end date planned, a rep notes that the Miller High Life Champagne bottles are limited-edition, so they'll only be on shelves while supplies last. According to VinePair, previous years have seen the festive bottles selling out within a matter of weeks, and TBH, it's not surprising at all. When faced with the choice of a regular pack of beers or imbibing your Miller High Life from a champagne bottle, I think the choice is pretty obvious.

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